Conflict Resolution, Psychological Well-Being and Marital Satisfaction among Spouses of Working People


  • Abida Ajid Ali Ph.D (Scholar) Teaching Assistant, Department of Applied Psychology, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Khalid Mahmood Associate Professor, Department of Applied Psychology, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Zartashia Kynat Javaid PhD Scholar/ Lecturer, Department of Applied Psychology, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan
  • Minahil Athar Visiting lecturer, Department of Applied Psychology, Government College University Faisalabad, Pakistan


Conflict Resolution, Psychological Well-Being, Marital Satisfaction, Spouses of Working Individuals.


The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to examine the relationship between Conflict Resolution, Psychological Well-Beings, and marital Satisfaction among Spouses of Working Individuals. It also looks at how these psychological constructions relate to Demographic Indicators such as Gender, Age, and Education. A sample of 100 Spouses (50 male, 50 female) were selected from a large number of private & government colleges, Universities, Schools, and Offices of Faisalabad using a convenient sampling method. Data was collected using Urdu version of Brief Cope (Akhtar, 2005) and Ryff's psychological well-Beings scale (Naseer 2000). and the Dyadic Marital Adjustment scale (translated by Naseer, 2000). Pearson correlation analysis indicated a significantly positive relationship among all variables. Regression analysis predicted marital satisfaction among spouses of working people. T-tests revealed significant gender differences in the Brief Cope Inventory, but not in psychological well-being or marital adjustment. These findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of marital relationships among working couples and highlight the importance of conflict resolution and psychological well-being in marital satisfaction.The purpose of this cross-sectional study is to examine the relationship between Conflict Resolution, Psychological Well-Beings, and marital Satisfaction among Spouses of Working Individuals. It also looks at how these psychological constructions relate to Demographic Indicators such as Gender, Age, and Education. A sample of 100 Spouses (50 male, 50 female) were selected from a large number of private & government colleges, Universities, Schools, and Offices of Faisalabad using a convenient sampling method. Data was collected using Urdu version of Brief Cope (Akhtar, 2005) and Ryff's psychological well-Beings scale (Naseer 2000). and the Dyadic Marital Adjustment scale (translated by Naseer, 2000). Pearson correlation analysis indicated a significantly positive relationship among all variables. Regression analysis predicted marital satisfaction among spouses of working people. T-tests revealed significant gender differences in the Brief Cope Inventory, but not in psychological well-being or marital adjustment. These findings contribute to understanding the dynamics of marital relationships among working couples and highlight the importance of conflict resolution and psychological well-being in marital satisfaction.


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How to Cite

Abida Ajid Ali, Khalid Mahmood, Zartashia Kynat Javaid, & Minahil Athar. (2024). Conflict Resolution, Psychological Well-Being and Marital Satisfaction among Spouses of Working People. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(2), 183–191. Retrieved from