Perception of Students about Collaborative Strategies Employed by Teachers for Enhancing English Vocabulary and Learning Motivation
Collaborative strategies, English vocabulary, feedback and assessment, shared learning, collaborative writing tasksAbstract
Perception and cognitions play vital role in learning process. Learning is improved through collaboration and students becomes more satisfied with entire process of learning. The ability to write and communicate in English is a crucial skill for academic success of students. Therefore, improving one's command on the vocabulary knowledge is essential for advancing English language skills. This study used qualitative technique to explore students’ perceptions about the collaborative strategies their teachers employ to improve English vocabulary learning among them and how this experience affects the learning motivation and academic performance of students. Enrolled students in the high schools of Karachi were population for this study. By using convenient sampling technique, 20 students were taken to collect data through conduction of semi structured interviews. The findings of the study indicate that teachers incorporate various helpful collaborative techniques in their teaching practices that enable students reinforce their motivation to learn and enhance their vocabulary knowledge. These approaches include shared learning, feedback and assessment, and collaborative writing tasks. It improves learning satisfaction and motivates students to promote the culture of collaborative learning. However, teachers do their best to lend a hand for incorporating collaborative techniques in their teaching practices to help their students improve vocabulary knowledge in the classroom. Yet, the management authorities must give support for the faculty members to ensure their success.
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