Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Learning Skills Among Students in Higher Education


  • Muhammad Shoaib Associate Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Syed Rahat Ali M. Phil Student, Department of Sociology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan
  • Zaheer Abbas Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, University of Gujrat, Gujrat, Pakistan


Study Culture, Self-fulling Prophecy, Learning, Higher Education, Academic Performance


This paper has been designed to examine self-fulling prophecy of learning skills among students in higher education. It has been found that study culture and self-fulling prophecy vary from student to student in the learning process at all educational levels worldwide. This study has been based on a systematic review of literature and data extracted from well-reputed databases including JSTORE, Springer Nature, Sage, Tylor & Francis, Wiley, Emerald Insights, Elsevier, and other reputed databases. Further, the downloaded documents have also been verified from Google Scholar. This study reached saturation point after reviewing the 88 published documents. The data has been presented in the results and a discussion section has been made to conclude. The study findings reveal that study culture and self-fulfilling prophecy have been contributing to the learning skills of the students at higher education institutions. Students prefer to study culture based on their familial and parental background at all educational institutions. The study findings indicate that the study culture of the students and self-fulfilling prophecy affect all the learning skills including cognitive domain, psychomotor domain, affirmative domain, collaborative aspects, critical thinking, problem-solving, creative skills, leadership skills, communicative skills, and adaptive skills. 


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How to Cite

Self-Fulfilling Prophecy of Learning Skills Among Students in Higher Education. (2024). PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(7), 164-177.

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