Trends of Research Visualization of Gender Inequality, Equality, and Equity: A Bibliometric Analysis from 1981 to 2020
Gender, Gender Inequality, Gender Equality, Gender Equity, Bibliometric AnalysisAbstract
This paper presents a bibliometric analysis of the evolving concepts of gender inequality, gender equality, and gender equity from a scholarly perspective. The study tracks research trends, key contributors, and the geographical distribution of gender studies across various disciplines using data from academic publications spanning from 1981 to 2020. This study maps out the key trends in gender-related research, identifying influential scholars, journals, and regions where gender studies are most actively pursued. It also illustrates how the academic discourse has shifted from addressing gender inequality towards a more nuanced understanding of equity-based solutions. The findings indicate that while progress has been made in policy development and gender equality research, significant gaps remain in achieving true equity, especially for marginalized gender groups in the Global South. This bibliometric analysis underscores the importance of integrating gender equity into future research and policy frameworks to ensure that gender justice is fully realized. As scholarly interest continues to grow, particularly in intersectional approaches to gender studies, there is a critical need for continued focus on equity to create fairer, more inclusive societies.
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