Building a Resilient Workforce: How Health and Wellness Programs Influence Absenteeism and Adaptability


  • Dr. Muhammad Saeed Ahmad Assistant Professor, National Business School, The University of Faisalabad
  • Dr. Abdul Hafeez Department of Management Studies, Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore
  • Afzal Ahmad Department of Management Studies, Imperial College of Business Studies, Lahore
  • Dr. Usman Ali Assistant Professor, National Business School, The University of Faisalabad
  • Hafiz Ahmad Ashraf Assistant Professor, University of Central Punjab, Gujranwala Campus


Health and Wellness Programs, Peer Support Networks, Crisis Management Strategies, Absenteeism Rates and Organizational Adaptability


This study examines the impact of Health and Wellness Programs on Absenteeism Rates and Organizational Adaptability, with Peer Support Networks as a mediator and Crisis Management Strategies (Proactive vs. Reactive) as a moderator. Grounded in the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) Model and Self-Determination Theory (SDT), the research explores how wellness initiatives act as organizational resources that mitigate job demands, enhance employee motivation, and improve overall resilience. The findings reveal that Health and Wellness Programs significantly reduce absenteeism and enhance organizational adaptability. Peer Support Networks partially mediate this relationship, strengthening the positive effects of wellness initiatives on employee outcomes. Moreover, Crisis Management Strategies moderate these relationships, with proactive strategies strengthening the benefits of wellness programs, while reactive approaches yield comparatively weaker effects. These results highlight the critical role of structured well-being interventions in fostering a resilient, high-performing workforce. The study provides theoretical contributions to JD-R and SDT frameworks and offers practical insights for HR professionals and policymakers on designing effective employee well-being strategies.


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How to Cite

Building a Resilient Workforce: How Health and Wellness Programs Influence Absenteeism and Adaptability . (2024). PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(12), 98-123.

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