The Mediating Role of Work Group Involvement in the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Sustainable Performance: An Empirical Study


  • Syeda Muniba Ali PhD Scholar, Department of Management & HRM, IBMAS, Islamia University of Bahawalpur
  • Dr Syed Muhammad Javed Iqbal Associate Professor, Department of Management & HRM, IBMAS, Islamia University of Bahawalpur


Authentic Leadership, Work Group Involvement, Sustainable Performance, PLS-SEM, Employee Engagement, Organizational Culture


In recent years, sustainable performance has been viewed as a significant component. In the dynamic and competitive world, sustainability practices are also important to gain a competitive edge over the rivals as most companies adopt sustainability practices to stay sustainable and profitable. To achieve sustainable performance and to implement sustainable practices, positive leadership or mentorship is needed. This study examines the mediating role of work group involvement in the relationship between authentic leadership and sustainable performance. The aim is to provide empirical evidence on how authentic leadership influences sustainable outcomes by taking the work group involvement as a mediator. A cross-sectional research design was employed, with data collected from 194 middle managers in multinational fast-food chains in South Punjab, Pakistan. Snow ball sampling technique was used to collect the data The study utilized Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modeling (PLS-SEM) to analyze the data, assessing both the measurement and structural models. The results indicate that authentic leadership positively impacts sustainable performance, with work group involvement serving as a significant mediator in this relationship. The findings underscore the importance of fostering a participatory work environment to enhance sustainability outcomes. However, the study's cross-sectional nature and sample limitations suggest the need for further research with other larger samole and other sector, particularly longitudinal studies and exploration of additional factors such as organizational culture.The study has practical implications for leadership development and employee engagement strategies, offering valuable insights for organizations aiming to achieve long-term sustainability.


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How to Cite

Syeda Muniba Ali, & Dr Syed Muhammad Javed Iqbal. (2024). The Mediating Role of Work Group Involvement in the Relationship Between Authentic Leadership and Sustainable Performance: An Empirical Study. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(8), 35–53. Retrieved from

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