Inclusivity and Teachers’ Aptitude in Higher Education in Pakistan
Inclusivity, Teacher Competency, Learning, Classroom, Higher EducationAbstract
This study has been designed to evaluate teacher competency and inclusive learning classroom environment among female students at the territory level. It has been observed that teacher competency affects student learning in developed and developing countries and Pakistan has no exemption. A quantitative study was conducted at a public sector university in Pakistan. Female students enrolled in the social science department constitute the study population. A proportionate random sampling technique has been used to draw a representative sample of 157 female students from the target population. However, 144 female students have participated in the study. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted and a structured questionnaire has been developed to measure the response of female students. The questionnaire has been tested on 30 female students and the value of Alpha is more than .700. Descriptive and inferential statistics have been utilized to draw results and conclusions. The study findings presented that communication and skills, coaching and assessment, prioritization of reading list, and provision of teaching material have familiar effects on inclusive learning classroom environment among female students at the territory level. Similarly, balanced representation of sources, equal treatment of students, respect and dignity have familiar also similar nature of effects on inclusive learning classroom environment among female students at territory level.
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