International Law and Human Development Index: A Case Study of Pakistan
International Heritage, Cultural Heritage, Armed Conflict, International Humanitarian Law, Cultural PropertAbstract
International law has developed over the period of centuries and while its evolution it gave international politics a way to develop very sophisticated system for the smooth dealing among states. The norms and those primordial customs which have been practiced by humans since the time immemorial are taken in to account by lying them down as consolidated principles. These principles are tightly packed with the daily activities of humans thus pushing them on the path of development. This piece of research draws an attention towards a very unique but interesting relation among the out and out observance of international law and human development. It is being observed that both of these are in direct relation with each other with one going up pushing the second alongside it. The study further shows the legal application of the concept of human development under the modern principles of international law and how the lingering HDI can impact these consolidated rules and regulations. Furthermore, while explaining the theoretical basis, Pakistan is taken as case study to explain this whole phenomenon and relation among lingering Human Development Index and the role of international law.