Gender Diversity and Inclusion in Higher Education in Pakistan
Gender Diversity, Gender Inequality, Higher Education, Academic PerformanceAbstract
This study attempts to analyze gender diversity in higher education in Pakistan using teachers' perspectives. Gender differentials in higher education in terms of female outperformance and male underperformance in higher education have not been received due to academic concerns in Pakistan. Hence, females and males’ academic performance in education has attracted academicians since the 1970s. For this study, a sample of 253 teachers has been sampled from the population of the University of the Punjab, Lahore. This study opted stratified random sampling technique and selected teachers from each department. A survey method has been used as a technique of data collection. Similarly, the structured questionnaire has been administered to collect data from the respondents on the subject. This measurement tool has been pretested to check its reliability. Statistical analysis has been done to draw results and conclusions. Normality test, Kruskal Wallis Test, and Kendall's tau_b test have been employed. The study findings reveal that there has been a significant correlation between independent variables and gender differentials in academic performance in higher education in Punjab, Pakistan.
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