Conceptualizing the Safe Cities from Ancient Architectures to Modern Safe Cities and Way Forward for Pakistan


  • Shahid Riaz M.Phil. Criminology & Criminal Justice System, The University of Lahore
  • Dr. Muhammad Faisal Khan Assistant Professor, School of Integrated Social Sciences, The University of Lahore
  • Hafiz Abdul Malik M.Phil. Criminology & Criminal Justice System, The University of Lahore
  • Rana Mahmood Ahmed Advocate High Court, Lahore
  • Nasrullah Sattar Pasha Advocate Supreme Court of Pakistan


Technology, Crime Prevention, Safe City, PSCA, Urban Safety, Civilizations, Crime, CPTED, Industrial Revolution


This literature-based research paper covers the safe city approaches in the modern  times including challenges and opportunities. The concept of a 'safe city' has evolved from ancient architectural and societal strategies to modern approaches addressing terrorism and cybercrime. Historically, civilizations developed strategies to protect cities from external threats and mitigate urban crime. From the ancient Mesopotamian cities of Uruk and Babylon to the grand constructions of Egypt and China, defensive structures played a significant role in ensuring the safety, security and crime control in urban centers. The industrial revolution and urbanization brought new challenges that prompted advancements in policing and surveillance technologies. The 20th century introduced Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) and emphasized the role of the built environment in crime reduction. Modern strategies now integrate advanced technologies, community-based policing and strategic planning. Pakistan faces significant challenges like urbanization, unemployment and terrorism that require a multi-faceted approach involving urban planning, community engagement, technological innovation and law enforcement reforms. By leveraging historical insights and best practices, Pakistan can build safer, more resilient and equitable cities.


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How to Cite

Conceptualizing the Safe Cities from Ancient Architectures to Modern Safe Cities and Way Forward for Pakistan. (2024). PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(9), 241-252.

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