Expediting Access to Justice in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan


  • Muhammad Sarmad Raza Department of Law, Bahauddin Zakariya University, Multan


E-Justice, Access to Justice, E-Filing, Online Dispute Resolution, Use of Technology in The Justice System


Due to the huge pendency of cases and reliance on outdated judicial methods, access to justice has become more difficult in Pakistan. Technology has revolutionized every sector of society, and likewise, it has impacted the justice system worldwide by making it more efficient and transparent. This study aims to analyse how technology has influenced the justice system in other jurisdictions and the opportunities and challenges for Pakistan in its adoption. Using a qualitative and comparative approach, this study has analysed laws, judicial practices, policy frameworks, and case studies of countries worldwide, particularly the US, UK, India, and Israel, and has also found the implementation challenges locally. Findings such as digital courtroom, e-filing, Online dispute resolution, and case management systems due to technology integration in the judicial system have been specifically discussed. This study definitively answers the practical implications of these advancements, and further studies are needed to find a comprehensive implementation framework within Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Expediting Access to Justice in the Digital Age: Opportunities and Challenges for Pakistan. (2024). PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(12), 177-187. https://pjlaw.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/v3i12-177-187

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