War Crimes in Light of Islamic Law and International Law with Special Reference to Palestine
War Crimes, International Criminal Law, Islamic Law. Palestine, IsraelAbstract
Over a hundred years the conflict between Palestine and Israeli is undergoing which has not only impacted these countries but has also destroyed world peace. Decades have passed but this problem is not coming to a solution despite having various settled Laws, principles, traditions, and conventions related to the conduct of hostilities. The goal of this research paper is to draw a similarity between the Islamic laws and the International Criminal Law of warfare and to highlight the need for regulation of war under ICL in the Israel-Palestine conflict. This paper is based on the discussion of Laws of warfare that are recognized internationally but are not applied during the use of force by Israeli forces in Palestine. Moreover, it also lists the main reason for conflict between these two states and also the causes and effects on the civilians due to the continuous fight. The reason for this study is to gather the Islamic and modern principles of war and their applicability in Palestine during the situation of war and to identify the violations of the rules and regulations of laws committed by the armed forces of Israel. Using the doctrinal research methodology, this research is concluded with suggestions that how the laws are made implemented limiting the use of force and weapons in Palestine.
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