The Impact of Favouritism, Nepotism and Supervisor Incivility on Work Withdrawal with the Mediation of the Employee’s Cynicism
Favouritism, Nepotism, Supervisor Incivility, Work Withdrawal, Employee’s CynicismAbstract
The impact of Favouritism/Nepotism, Supervisor Incivility on Work Withdrawal with the mediation of the Employee’s Cynicism is examined by collecting the data from the regular employees of the telecommunication, Mobile networking and Banking sector of Gujranwala district of Punjab, Pakistan. For this purpose, 400 questionnaires were distributed out of which 340 questionnaires were returned, and the study gains an actual response rate of 85%. The relationship of Favouritism/Nepotism, supervisor Incivilities and Work Withdrawal with the mediation of Employee’s Cynicism is examined by using the statistical techniques such as ‘’Pearson’s Correlation’’, ‘’Descriptive statistics’’ and ‘’Factor analysis’’. The results confirmed that Favouritism/Nepotism and Supervisor Incivilities has significant positive relationship with Employee’s cynicism and Work withdrawal. There is mediating impact of Employee’s cynicism between favouritism/Nepotism, Supervisor Incivilities and Work Withdrawal. There is insignificant positive relationship between Employee’s cynicism and Work withdrawal. Finally result suggest that organization can improve his performance by eliminating the factors that increase cynicism at workplace and work on Equal employment opportunities and supervisor support by encouraging employee and a fair evaluation system.
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