Unveiling the Complexities of the Media-Terrorism Symbiosis: A Critical Meta-Analysis


  • Syed Abdul Siraj Department of Media Studies, Bahria University Islamabad


Media, Terrorism, Symbioses. Causes, Remedies


Over the last twenty years, terrorism has resulted in thousands of deaths and has sparked major economic, political, and humanitarian crises in numerous parts of the world. The media often take advantage to generate sensationalism to grab the attention of viewers. This theoretical journalistic supposition develops a mutually beneficial relationship between media and terrorism, usually called 'symbiotic,' where each relies on the other for its gain. Terrorist groups adeptly manipulate media platforms to propagate their ideologies, use their glorification to instill fear among target audiences and disrupt government and security responses. Through social and traditional media platforms, they garner wider support for their causes by emphasizing themes such as the legitimacy of their grievances and the inevitability of their success. By doing so, they aim to mobilize and radicalize both current and potential supporters, thereby enhancing recruitment efforts, increasing financial support, and inspiring further acts of violence. Conversely, media outlets are often complicit in this dynamic, as they benefit from sensationalism and increased viewership, and coverage of terrorism gets great attention, thereby enhancing profitability. This meta-analysis emphasizes a balance of the public's right to information with the risk of militants exploiting media coverage to spread their ideologies.


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How to Cite

Syed Abdul Siraj. (2024). Unveiling the Complexities of the Media-Terrorism Symbiosis: A Critical Meta-Analysis. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(8), 25–34. Retrieved from https://pjlaw.com.pk/index.php/Journal/article/view/v3i8-25-34