Integration of Core Life Skills in Physics Textbook Grade X: A Qualitative Content Analysis


  • Dr. Muhammad Jamil Lecturer (Education), Department of Education, GC Women University Sialkot
  • Qurat ul Ain PhD Scholar (Education), Department of Education, University of Lahore
  • Imran Riaz Chohan PhD Scholar (Education), University of Lapland, Finland


Life Skills, Physics Textbook, Critical Thinking, Problem-Solving, Document Analysis


This qualitative study analyzed the Physics textbook grade X, considering the 12 core life skills based on the UNICEF MENA (2017) framework. This study explored the presence of these vital skills in Physics textbook through qualitative content analysis facilitated by NVivo 14. The study findings showed that critical thinking, problem-solving, and communication skills were often focused on areas such as electromagnetism, atomic physics, and wave mechanics. These examples and conceptual questions help to enhance these skills through practical activities. Creativity, cooperation, and respect for diversity were also seen in the textbook through suggested experiments/discussion points, ideas from scientists from diverse communities, etc. However, the analysis revealed inadequate direct incorporation of empathy, negotiation, and resilience. The textbook excels in acquiring subject-specific capabilities and does not widely address all 12 core life skills. This study highlights the potential for improving physics education by purposefully integrating a wider range of life skills, thereby better-preparing students for the difficulties of the contemporary world while maintaining a strong focus on physics content.


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How to Cite

Integration of Core Life Skills in Physics Textbook Grade X: A Qualitative Content Analysis. (2024). PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(6), 119-131.

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