Pakistan’s Counter-Terrorism Dilemma: Public Perceptions Amidst the Resurgence of Terrorism in Swat
Counter Terrorism, Public Perception, Resurgence, Terrorism, PolicyAbstract
Following the Taliban’s return to power in Afghanistan, the district of Swat has witnessed an upsurge in terrorist instances. The region once plagued by a decade-long insurgency post-9/11, the resurgence has sparked widespread concern among civilians, casting a shadow of doubt in the state’s strategies to curtail it. This study investigates the public perception of terrorism resurgence vis-à-vis Pakistan’s counter-terrorism policy in district Swat. By employing quantitative methodology, it finds that the resurgence of terrorism negatively influences people’s perception of their safety and security, leading to changes in the emotional and behavioural aspects of residents. The counter-terrorism strategies are perceived negatively by the civilians due to their long-term ineffectiveness in maintaining peace and security and infringement on human rights in the guise of counterterrorism, eroding trust in the state’s institutions. The study recommends policymakers to closely consider and prioritise community’s perception and will and engage them in countering efforts to mitigate terrorism from the grassroots effectively. Beyond kinetic and military-driven approaches to counterterrorism, crafting holistic and soft policies that consider sociocultural, political and economic aspects of combating terrorism is immensely critical.
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