Health Status of Motorway Police Officers in Pakistan: A Case of Job Strain


  • Shamraiz Iqbal Ph.D. Scholar, Department of Gender Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan
  • Ra’ana Malik Professor, Department of Gender Studies, University of the Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan


Strain, Job, Demands, Health, Motorway, Police


This paper has been designed to examine the job strain and health status of motorway police officers in Pakistan. It is evident that joining the police department in Pakistan has been considered a matter of honor and gratification for every person. However, it has been less considered as pleasing and interesting as it appears from the outside. A quantitative approach has been used to conduct a study on motorway police officers. A sample of 367 has been sampled through proportionate random sampling techniques from eight zones of Pakistan. A cross-sectional survey has been conducted and a structured questionnaire has been developed using independent, dependent, path, and intervening variables. A pilot testing has also been done on 30 randomly selected motorway police officers. The value of Alpha has been reported above .700 and final data collection has been done. Moreover, the hypothesis has been tested and a discussion has also been provided before the conclusion. The study concluded that the health status of motorway police officers has been affected in a bad way. The study findings asserted that duty timing, job demands, and workload pressure have favorable effects on the health status of officers. Likewise, physical health along with psychological health and social well-being also have effects on the health status of motorway officers in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Shamraiz Iqbal, & Ra’ana Malik. (2024). Health Status of Motorway Police Officers in Pakistan: A Case of Job Strain. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(6), 95–110. Retrieved from

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