Inclusive Education in Pakistani Schools: Theoretical Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities


  • Yaar Muhammad Associate Professor, GC Women University, Sialkot
  • Tahira Batool Bokhari Associate Professor, Government College for Women, Jhang, Pakistan
  • Dr. Faisal Anis Assistant Professor, Department of Education, University of Management and Technology, Lahore


Inclusive Education, Schools, Pakistan, Challenges, Opportunities, Theoretical Frameworks, Policy Implications


This discussion paper presents a critical analysis of the theory of inclusive education in schools across Pakistan, which underpins definitions, scopes, implementation, and challenges. While discussing international and local policies, the paper has identified attitudinal, institutional, and systemic barriers to the implementation of inclusive education and also pointed out potential opportunities for advocacy, capacity building, and policy reform. This paper also shows several best practices and case studies of existing inclusive practices in Pakistan, along with lessons learned and policy and practice recommendations. The paper ends with implications for policy and practice. The discussion emphasizes that support of political will, teacher education, collaboration, community involvement, monitoring, and review are important for inclusive education in Pakistan. This paper also suggests future direction of research at this point empirically research on the implementation and impact of inclusive education in Pakistan, improvement, children with disabilities and their family experiences, intersectionality and technology and innovation aspects to promote inclusive education in Pakistan.


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How to Cite

Yaar Muhammad, Tahira Batool Bokhari, & Dr. Faisal Anis. (2024). Inclusive Education in Pakistani Schools: Theoretical Perspectives, Challenges and Opportunities. PAKISTAN JOURNAL OF LAW, ANALYSIS AND WISDOM, 3(3), 135–145. Retrieved from